Tips for Manufacturers

  • How to upload images

    Before uploading images, make sure they meet the listed requirements

    • In Medipim: open the tab Media
    • Click on Add Media > Upload media
    • Select files
    • Upload feedback:
      • Green: upload was successful
      • Red: upload cancelled because the image does not meet the requirements
    • Click on ‘Upadate All’ to publish the images
      • Select the language
      • Publish: yes
      • Select Packshot / Productshot according to the image
      • Click ‘Update and continue’
      • Repeat for all the uploaded images

    Our content team is always available to help you upload images.

  • How to upload brochures

    You can attach a pdf document to a product page:

    • go to the product page
    • click on update and select Media
    • click on Add media and select Upload media
    • click on Select files and select the pdf file on your computer
    • click on Update
    • fill out the form 
    • Save

    TIP: link the brochure to several products by adding them in the field ‘Products’ at the top of the form

  • How to upload a video

    You cannot upload video files, but you can publish vimeo or youtube videos by linking the url to the product:

    • go to the product page
    • click on Update and select Media
    • click on Add media and select Create link 
    • paste the video link in the URL field
    • fill out the rest of the form
    • click on Create

    TIP: link the video to several products by adding them in the field ‘Products’ at the top of the form

  • The image upload failed

    Does your image meet all the requirements? See ‘How to upload images’. Is the image a jpg file? Is the image larger than 1500x1500 pixels?

  • How to delete images

    Images cannot be deleted. You can remove images from a product file by setting the status to published NO

    • click on the image
    • click on the icon for settings en choose Update
    • change the status to Published NO
  • How to add a description

    • go to the product page
    • click on Update and select Create description
    • fill out the form:
      • source: select your company
      • target groups: do not modify
      • languages: select the language. For Belgium always select Dutch (NL) and French (FR).
      • type: select a type in the drop down list
      • content: fill in the description. For Belgium always add a Dutch (NL) and a French (FR) description.
      • click on Create

    TIP: do you need to add descriptions to a large amount of products? Contact us to avoid manual input.

  • How to edit a description?

    • go to the product page
    • go to the description you need to modify
    • click on the settings icon on the top right hand of the description field
    • click on Update
    • modify the description
    • click on Update
    • do not forget the other languages if available

    TIP: do you need to modify descriptions for a large amount of products? Contact us to avoid having to do this manually.

  • How to delete a description?

    • go to the product page
    • go to the description you need to modify
    • click on the settings icon on the top right hand of the description field
    • click on Update
    • click on the button Delete
    • click on OK
    • do not forget the other languages if available

    TIP: do you need to delete the descriptions of a large amount of products? Contact us to avoid having to do this manually.

  • How to provide import data?

    • Descriptions: ask for the template via info@medipim.com 
    • Images: always include the product code (e.g. EAN) in the name of the jpg or the png file. For example: ProductName-EAN3282770149319-nl-fr-en
    • Price lists: send us an excel file with the product code, the VAT rating, de pharmacy price (VAT excluded) and the public price (VAT included)
    • Ohter data
      • always provide the data in an excel file
      • include a column with the product code
      • avoid formatting, bullet points and semicolons
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