
Onze Website gebruikt cookies en gelijkaardige technologieën. Dit helpt ons om u een betere gebruikerservaring te bieden wanneer u onze Website bezoekt en laat ons ook toe onze Website te optimaliseren. Zonder uw voorafgaande toestemming plaatsen wij uitsluitend de puur functionele cookies die noodzakelijk zijn om onze website correct te laten werken. Voor alle andere cookies vragen wij eerst uw toestemming.Onderstaande cookielijst geeft u een overzicht van de cookies die onze Website gebruikt.


Een cookie is een klein tekstbestandje met gegevens dat een website (wanneer een gebruiker deze bezoekt) op uw apparaat wil opslaan om zodoende informatie over u, zoals uw taalvoorkeur of inloginformatie, te kunnen herinneren. Deze cookies worden door ons ingesteld en heten interne cookies. Daarnaast gebruiken weexterne cookies, namelijk cookies van een ander domein dan waar u zich bevindt. We gebruiken de cookies en andere tracking-technologieën voor de volgende doeleinden:


Essentiële cookies zijn nodig om een goede ervaring op de website te garanderen.


Hiermee staat u ons toe anonieme gegevens te verzamelen over het gebruik van de website met cookies van derden, zoals het aantal kliks en het gedrag van bezoekers op de website. Daarnaast kunnen we via deze optie ook marketinggerelateerde acties uitvoeren. Door deze cookie te activeren help je ons je ervaring verder te verbeteren.


Hiermee staat u ons toe marketinggerelateerde gegevens te verzamelen via cookies van derden. Door deze cookie te activeren help je ons je ervaring verder te verbeteren.

Als u vaststelt dat andere cookies via onzeWebsite geplaatst worden, danken wij u ons daarvan onmiddellijk te verwittigen, zodat wij de nodige aanpassingen kunnen doen.

We geven u zo veel mogelijk informatie over cookies geplaatst door derde partijen. Als u toch meer wil weten, verwijzen we u graag naar de privacyverklaringen van deze partijen op hun respectieve websites. Let op: wij oefenen geen enkele invloed uit op de inhoud van die verklaringen, noch op de inhoud van de cookies van deze derde partijen.

Bij uw eerste bezoek aan onze Website wordt u gevraagd om onze cookies te aanvaarden. U kan nadien uw keuzes op elk ogenblik zelf beheren. Als u verder nog vragen of opmerkingen heeft over de verwerking van uw Persoonsgegevens, contacteer ons dan per e-mail op of per post naar Eigenlostraat 1, 9100 Sint-Niklaas, België.

Meer informatie over cookies vindt u ook op:

Meer informatie over online behavioural advertising en online privacy vindt u hier:

Medipim Cookies

Cookie Provider Cookie purpose description Category
section_data_ids Used in context with the shopping cart functionality. Remembers any wish-list products and visitor credentials when checking out. Essential
player Saves the user's preferences when playing embedded videos from Vimeo. Essential
sync_active Contains data on visitor's video-content preferences - This allows the website to remember parameters such as preferred volume or video quality. The service is provided by Essential
form_key Ensures visitor browsing-security by preventing cross-site request forgery. This cookie is essential for the security of the website and visitor. Essential
mage-cache-storage This cookie is used in context with load balancing - This optimizes the response rate between the visitor and the site, by distributing the traffic load on multiple network links or servers. Essential
mage-cache-storage-section-invalidation This cookie is used in context with load balancing - This optimizes the response rate between the visitor and the site, by distributing the traffic load on multiple network links or servers. Essential
mage-cache-sessid This cookie is used in context with load balancing - This optimizes the response rate between the visitor and the site, by distributing the traffic load on multiple network links or servers. Essential
mage-messages Necessary for the functionality of the website's chat-box function. Essential
recently_compared_product Necessary for the compare-products function on the website. Essential
_GRECAPTCHA This cookie is used to distinguish between humans and bots. This is beneficial for the website, in order to make valid reports on the use of their website. Essential
CookieConsent Stores the user's cookie consent state for the current domain Essential
PHPSESSID Preserves user session state across page requests. Essential
mage-cache-timeout This cookie is necessary for the cache function. A cache is used by the website to optimize the response time between the visitor and the website. The cache is usually stored on the visitor’s browser. Essential
product_data_storage Necessary for the compare-products function on the website. Essential
rc::a This cookie is used to distinguish between humans and bots. This is beneficial for the website, in order to make valid reports on the use of their website. Essential
rc::c This cookie is used to distinguish between humans and bots. Essential
rc::b This cookie is used to distinguish between humans and bots. Essential
rc::f This cookie is used to distinguish between humans and bots. Essential
_grecaptcha This cookie is used to distinguish between humans and bots. This is beneficial for the website, in order to make valid reports on the use of their website. Essential
rc::d-15# This cookie is used to distinguish between humans and bots. Essential
private_content_version This cookie is necessary for the cache function. A cache is used by the website to optimize the response time between the visitor and the website. The cache is usually stored on the visitor’s browser. Essential
__cf_bm This cookie is part helps manage incoming traffic that matches criteria associated with bots Essential
_cfuvid This cookie is only set when a site uses this option in a Rate Limiting Rule, and is only used to allow the Cloudflare WAF to distinguish individual users who share the same IP address. Essential
recently_viewed_product Determines which products the user has viewed, allowing the website to promote related products. Analytics
recently_viewed_product_previous Collects information on which products have been viewed by the visitor - This is used for optimizing the specific visitor's navigation on the website. Analytics
recently_compared_product_previous Collects information on which products have been viewed by the visitor - This is used for optimizing the specific visitor's navigation on the website. Analytics
product_data_storage Necessary for the compare-products function on the website. Analytics
vuid Collects data on the user's visits to the website, such as which pages have been read. Analytics
td Registers statistical data on users' behaviour on the website. Used for internal analytics by the website operator. Analytics
recently_viewed_product Collects information on which products have been viewed by the visitor - This is used for optimizing the specific visitor's navigation on the website. Marketing
recently_viewed_product_previous Collects information on which products have been viewed by the visitor - This is used for optimizing the specific visitor's navigation on the website. Marketing
recently_compared_product This cookie is used to determine which products the visitor has viewed. This information is used to promote related products and optimize ad-efficiency. Marketing
recently_compared_product_previous Collects information on which products have been viewed by the visitor - This is used for optimizing the specific visitor's navigation on the website. Marketing